Saturday, October 30, 2010

Responses and Reflections

First of all... I wish for the idea of a diet to be eliminated in a negative way and course of action in our world.  To clarify for some- I do not consider myself on a diet- just one that eats ital, plant-based meals.   So, do not be discouraged by the title of the book I will recommend for you to read now, The World Peace Diet "Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony" by Will Tuttle, Ph.D.  Yes this book can be challenging for some of us to read- because some of us are not ready to accept the truth of the matter on how far gone our society's beliefs of foods have gotten.  PLEASE read this book, believe this book and share it with your loved ones.

Secondly, it does not matter how much you exercise you still are what you eat.  So many people are getting sick and I believe it is because of all of the meat and animal products they eat.  It is not our peoples fault; they have inherited their beliefs that we are supposed to eat that stuff- but the truth of the matter is that people that eat only plant based foods has less cancer, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, unhealthy cholesterol levels, toxins, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and so much less of so much more.

Lastly, I believe that the rise in ADHD, ADD, SBH, obesity, diabetes, asthma, and more among the youth is the result of the disassociation with nature and the root of the foods our culture eats. This problem is especially apparent in impoverished children whom live in food deserts where the closest food options include fast food, candy, chips, pop, and just overly processed stuff with absolutely no nutritional content what so ever.  Children born in poor homes have just as much right to eat healthy as children who are born in wealthy homes.  Schools should be required to serve healthy plant based meals and teach nutrition and this should be backed financially by the government.  How can this power money hungry government demand so much of other nations and cultures when they are oppressing and neglecting their own people?  Responsibility needs to be taken for the injustice that our poor and oppressed have suffered. Of course cancer, high blood pressure, and cholesterol and all that is genetic- families all sit and eat a lot of meat together. And don't even get me started on the violence and harsh conditions that the animals are grown in for humans to consume.  An industry driven by dollars; our health and safety are not even considered.

I am sharing this because I LOVE you and do not want you to feel insulted personally or like this is an insult to generations that taught you eating habits.  This is information that we all need to know, have the right to know and should know to save this planet.  MUST READ- The World Peace Diet  by Will Tuttle, Ph.D.

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