Monday, October 4, 2010


Posted by PicasaI do not have a great photo of Sunburgers at this time; however I will find one and post it in the near future.  I would like to dedicate this post and photograph to an amazingly positive lady, Jaie Benson!  Jaie shares LOVE and KNOWLEDGE everyday!  I am truly thankful that I get to experience her positive light!  GIVE THANKS FOR JAIE!
Sunburger Recipe....
2-3 Cups of Raw Sunflower Seeds - Soaked overnight (in good water)
1 Cup Sundried Tomatoes- Soaked overnight
2 Carrots (chopped a bit before blending in food processor)
Onion- your preference- I use either 1/2 a sweet onion or a few green onions
Peppers- again your preference depending on how much spice you like- I use half of a bell pepper and one jalapeno (sans the seeds)
Fresh herbs- Use what you have/like- Basil, Thyme, Oregano, Chives, Rosemary
Dried Herbs- I really like Curry!
Braggs Liquid Aminos- about 1 Tablespoon

Other options- you can add some soaked almonds or pecans, also fresh tomatoes if you like

Puree all of the ingredients together in a food processor - because mine is pretty small I have to do this in several batches.

Form the mixture into patties.  Dehydrate in the dehydrator until you have reached the desired texture- I keep mine in for 8 or more hours- sometimes I leave them in so long they get a little crunchy but I do not mind. 
Sunburgers are great to snack on or top with avocado, sprouts, and tahini dressing.  Bashi breaks them up and calls them croutons on his salad. 
Recently I made a big batch for Bashi to take on his road trip to Colorado- when he came back they were all gone and he and Raffi passed on some great reviews from the friends they have out there.  I will be making a batch to take down to ATL this weekend so I will post a photo this week.  In the meantime- GIVE THANKS FOR THE RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURE:)


  1. Hey Ali...I'm back blogging and about to feature your blog and this post on made these and OH SO YUM!!! <3 (sorry for the delay - but so much has been happening!)

  2. I Ali, thank you so much for sharing this and I DO give thanks for Jaie Benson. I am so glad that she has taken time out to organize your 21-day raw journey and for all the work she does on her website. She posted your blog and I came over to share my comments. I love raw food and the lifestyle of a raw foodie. One of my first tasks (back in 2009 when I started) was to find a good burger recipe. I never really found one that made me want to eat them again but I am betting that this one will. I can't wait to give them a try and I will definitely come back to your channel from time to time and chat about raw food with ya!

    Thanks again,
    -Anjii B :-)
