Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quick Green Smoothie!

First step of creating green smoothie is to fill the blender half full with the fruits.

Next step is to stuff the blender full of Green Leaves!  I have the ingredients listed in more detail below.  Please continue to see the next steps and how easy it is to start the day off great!
Cover fruit and half of leaves with water (I added a little apple cider here too).  Secure the blender lid tightly and.....
So I have to admit that I get a little dizzy during this part sometimes... lol... Watch the ingredients turn from chunks.....

Wait for it!  The best smoothies are smoothed for a whole minute!  This one is perfect!  Frothy, smooth, silky, and packed full of necessary vitamins for a blessed day:)You know the smoothie is finished when the chunks are gone and it is glowing green- no artificial color added please! 
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