Sunday, November 21, 2010

Soaking beans

Why soak beans? Canned beans are loaded with salt and have less nutritional content than beans you soak yourself, Canned beans are also more expensive and you are left with the can. Cut out the waste, save some money, and make the healthier choice to soak your own beans, its easier than you might think:) Buy your beans in the bulk foods section wherever you shop. Rinse the beans in water, then soak in water for about 8 hours. Soaking the beans releases the gases that cause flatulance, as well as activates the beans to sprout. After soaking the beans you can cook them or sprout them. The ones pictured here will be cooked and added to vegan chili. I hope you consider giving up the canned beans for your health and the planets health.
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1 comment:

  1. they look like magical beans, or at least really delicious beans :)
