Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dry Brushing Detox

Dry brushing is One of the best routines I have found for smoothing, detoxing, clearing the skin, gently waking up the circulatory system, draining the lymphatic system, and even reducing cellulite. Twice a week before taking an Epsom salt bath is efficient for this technique. Brush the whole body in upwards motion towards the heart. Spend a few minutes doing this, then hop in an Epsom salt bath for at least 20 minutes and you will find yourself feeling refreshed and your skin will be glowing! Do this at least once (twice is best) a week and you will notice a change (as long as you are eating clean and exercising also!!! )

1 comment:

  1. My naturopath suggested I do this..I love it. Taking cold soaks and showers too.
